Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Charlee Kaye's Birthday

11-12-11....What a day! The day began around 4:30 after a semi-restful night in the hospital. I was dilated to a 2 and 75% effaced. My pitocin began at 4:30. I snoozed on and off around the nurse coming in every 20 minutes to increase the pitocin. I started feeling contractions around 6:30. Mom and dad showed up around 7AM. Dad was sitting across from me in a chair, and I would look up and see him wiping tears from his eyes. I looked at him and said, "Hey, you better get it together because I can't be having that." I was feeling good. Alan and dad went to get some breakfast, and I was without food, and extremely jealous. Around 8:30AM, I was feeling the contractions regularly. I was very quiet and wanted the room quiet. The most comfortable position was sitting straight up or leaning forward. I also moved to the bedside chair, which was comfy. At 9AM, I was told my contractions were "crappy," meaning they were not regular. They continued to increase the pitocin. At 10AM, Dr. Weidower convinced me to let her break my water. I was feeling semi-in-control up until this point. But, I was definitely hurting. I knew the contractions would be much worse after the water broke. So, she broke my water, and immediately dilated to a 4. I continued to labor without an epidural for about 30 min, and finally around 11AM, I decided on the epidural. The contractions were every minute and a half and very intense; my entire body was shaking. After the epidural was placed, I was a different Amanda. I was able to relax, and then became chatty Kathy. I actually enjoyed having visitors in my room and carrying on conversation. About an hour later, around 12, nurse Jill checked me, and I was an 8!!! Wow! That didn't take long at all. It really makes a difference when you can't feel the contractions! Then around 1:15, Jill checked me again, and I was at a 10! Oh my! It was actually time! The environment was so controlled. Jill and Lindsey began preparing the room for delivery. They called Dr. Weidower and she was on her way. We were simply waiting for the word, "push." Dr. Weidower arrived in the room around 2PM, and after 19 minutes and about 4 sets of pushes......we saw that the full-headed dark brown haired baby was.....A GIRL!!!! Dr. Weidower was so excited, she looked at me and said, "OK Amanda, after this last set of pushes we are going to know if this baby is a boy or girl." And she was right; she held her in the air, and said, "IT'S A GIRL." My mom was in the room and started crying. Alan was so happy. After he cut her cord we all stared at her bright open eyes. She was so pink and her APGARs were 9/9 and 9/9. Aunt Melissa was in the room taking the awesome pictures below. My nurses were Jill and Lindsey. Lindsey was my elementary school friend. How neat! What a small world. Jill and Lindsey did an excellent job taking care of Charlee Kaye and myself. After a few pictures, mom and Aunt Melissa left the room, and mommy and daddy had some special time with Charlee Kaye. Finally, we decided we should go tell everyone Miss Charlee Kaye had arrived. Alan changed into his pink shirt and went to tell the waiting room. Then we had a paparazzi photo session for about an hour. I had joked with Dr. Weidower that we better have a baby before kick-off. Well, we did! I was finally moved into my room and we were able to settle in and watch the Razorbacks beat Tennessee! Not only was Charlee Kaye born on a Razorback game day, but it was also the first day of Deer Season. Mama Jean said that only a little girl would be born on the day of opening morning!

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